“God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh,” says Voltaire (1694-1778), a French writer, historian and philosopher. He was famous for his wit.
Why are we so afraid to laugh at ourselves? When a friend made a joke about his illness, people looked at him in amazement. “Has he gone crazy?” people would ask. Who knows, there may be some truth in that. But as long as the jokes are about him, and he is not hurting anybody, what is wrong with that?
Everyday we are faced with new challenges in life. Some challenges are mild and some are horrific. And there are lots in between. One way or the other, we have to deal with them.
Staying positive and taking a good laugh about it is not going to hurt you. It is not going to hurt anybody. It will definitely keep your morale and help you and your family deal with the problem.
Besides laughter you can do more things in life if you can find time. And time you have to find to stay healthy. Time to listen to music, dance if you can and watch comedy shows. Exercise within your physical limits. Most people are busy at work and raising a family. It is not always easy to do everything. Keep doing something.
There are no hard and fast rules about being healthy. Most of it is common sense. Do everything in moderation, without any sense of guilty. Have a long-term strategy. Rome wasn’t built in a day. And it is still a beautiful city. Worth visiting.
OK, enough for today. Stay positive, healthy and happy. Don’t be afraid to laugh. Talk to you soon.
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