The first book I published is A Doctor’s Journey.
This book is about life, my life. A life lived in four continents. A life in which I met many interesting people, experienced many interesting things and visited many interesting places. That makes for interesting stories.
The stories are about my family and friends, about kindness and caring, about laughter and happiness, about good health and bad health, about success and disappointments, about peace and sufferings and about religion and nirvana.
I know you will relate to many of these stories and find them compelling, emotional and humorous. I know you won’t be disappointed. So, go for it!
What others have said after reading it…
‘This is a chronicle of Dr. Bharwani’s remarkable journey over four continents – from Musoma, Africa, to Medicine Hat, Canada. It is a success story of dogged persistence and single-mindedness in the face of overwhelming odds, told with humour and presented in an easy-to-read style.’
Dennis van Westerborg, author of Images and Reflections
‘Dr. Bharwani’s writing deftly combines a mix of funny and serious, often in the same chapter. The book will stir your emotions and make you think at the same time. While offering useful suggestions on how to stay healthy, it never becomes overly pedantic or slip into medical jargon. The book is written in a simple style, is easy to follow, and is always both logical and emotionally compelling. Not an easy combination to maintain but Dr. Bharwani does it quite naturally.’
Michael Mirolla, editor, award-winning fiction writer and creative writing tutor
‘A secure family unit provides a solid base from which Dr. Bharwani pursues his life’s goals regardless of the external circumstances. His commitment to education and his pursuit of his chosen profession demonstrates high standard for the next generation. His use of quotations, humour and storytelling engages the reader and keeps the interest high.’
Dr. Marian Jerry, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and co-author of Sutras of the Inner Teacher
‘This is a wonderful book – a tribute to his family, to medical profession and to his accomplishments. It mixes the humour and the tragedy that are part of every doctor’s life and it beautifully expresses the caring and compassion that lie at the heart of every true physician. Highly recommended!’
Dr. Martin Jerry, M.D., physician-scientist and co-author of Sutras of the Inner Teacher
My first production run, 1000 copies, sold out the first year and inspired my second book…
Doctor B’s Eight Steps to Wellness.
In December 1999, I received an email from Sheri Murphy–Wright, then assistant managing editor of the Medicine Hat News, requesting a column for the special, millennium edition of the News. So I asked myself: What is going to keep us healthy in the next millennium? Is it going to be science and technology or something else? I looked at myself and my family to see what I could rely on for good health and happiness.
My paternal grandmother died at the age of eighty-one. She suffered from asthma and its consequences for many years. She never smoked in her life.
After twenty-five years of heart problems, my father died suddenly from a severe heart attack at seventy-nine. It happened one morning. He was still in bed, talking to my mother about having a good breakfast. The next moment, he was gone. Just like that. He also suffered from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Overall, however, he had a long, satisfying life.
My mother died of ovarian/uterine cancer at eighty-nine. She had eight children. She’d had asthma for sixty years or more. She had mild congestive heart failure. She had two major life-threatening surgeries to remove a benign brain tumour. She suffered severe, life-threatening injuries in a taxi driven by an inebriated driver in Uganda. She spent six months in the hospital and in rehab. She made an excellent recovery, thanks to determination, perseverance, and outstanding support from her husband and children. She did suffer at the end but she had a reasonably good life. She was probably ready to die when she was given the diagnosis of terminal cancer.
My older sister died of pancreatic cancer at the age of sixty within three months after diagnosis. She had irregular heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation) as well, although it had nothing to do with her death.
My younger brother was a healthy fellow; sadly, he died in a motor vehicle collision at the age of thirty-six.
My niece has had multiple sclerosis since she was thirty and has been disabled for several years. How can you prevent something like that?
I have had my share of health problems. It seems that cardiac problems run in our family.
For the News, I wrote about exercise, laughter, meditation, organic and non-organic healthy food, and stress relief. A few months later, I added smoking cessation; then, sexual empowerment and sleep. I feel that these eight steps will help us fight many modern-day killers.
Health Canada has identified twelve determinants of health: income and social status, employment, education, social environments, physical environments, healthy child development, personal health practices and coping skills, health services, social support networks, biology and genetic endowment, gender, and culture. In one way or another, each one of these contributes to our health as we go through life.
Some health determinants – such as genetics and gender, which contribute significantly to a person’s health problems – are beyond our control. However, we have the ability to adjust for many illnesses, some of which are self-inflicted.
As has been said by others before: Good health is not about perfection. Good health is about what we do with what we have been given and feel good about it. Life can be very short. Follow the Eight Steps to Wellness. Have fun and enjoy it.
About the author… Dr. Noorali Bharwani is a general surgeon and a former Regional Chief of Staff for the Palliser Health Region in southeastern Alberta. He is also a freelance writer and contributes columns on health, wellness and travel to newspapers in Canada.
Noorali is a family man and enjoys his time with his wife and two children. He enjoys writing, biking, walking, downhill skiing (green runs only), swimming (not in the deep end), golfing (with a slice) and reading newspapers and magazines. And he enjoys his work as a surgeon.
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A Doctor’s Journey paperback and Kindle e-book is available on Amazon. You can preview the book for free! The book is also available direct from me for $18.00 CAD using Paypal or in-person at my office.
Doctor B’s Eight Steps to Wellness is currently only available by purchasing direct from me for $20.00 CAD using Paypal or in-person at my office. A Kindle e-book version will be available soon.
Both books can be purchased for $30.00 CAD! Thanks for your interest.