Dear Dr. B: Last evening I listened to a radio program regarding fluoride. The doctor who hosted the show had nothing good to say about fluoride and was quite adamant that it should not be in toothpaste or in our water. He said that just bathing in water with fluoride in it is causing too much absorption and is harming our bones amongst other things. I am especially interested because I have a hygienist appointment coming up and the procedure is always finished by applying fluoride in your favorite flavor.
Answer: Health Canada website is a good source of information on this subject. The information is summarized here.
There is enough evidence to show that the use of fluoride decreases dental caries. The introduction of fluoride to drinking water in 1958 resulted in a dramatic reduction of dental caries. It is also clear that the ingestion of too much fluoride can result in varying degrees of fluorosis.
Fluorosis is an abnormal condition caused by excessive intake of fluorides, characterized in children by discoloration and pitting of the teeth and in adults by abnormal bone changes. Thus, to prevent fluorosis, the administration of fluoride should strike a right balance.
Fluoride prevents caries mainly by its local effect. Dental caries result when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria on the surface of the tooth, feeds on sugar and food residue to produce acid, which dissolves the surface of the tooth (demineralization). Bathing the surface of the tooth with fluoride causes a dramatic decrease in enamel solubility. Ingested fluoride, on the other hand, has little effect on caries, but contributes significantly to the development of fluorosis.
Fluorosis of our skeleton is a progressive but not life-threatening disease in which bones become more brittle. In mild cases, the symptoms may include pain and stiff joints. In more severe cases, the symptoms may include difficulty in moving, deformed bones and a greater risk of bone fractures.
The Health Canada website has a statement from Dr. Peter Cooney, Canada’s Chief Dental Officer which says, “In light of recent news features, Canadians may be wondering if fluoride is, in fact, safe for use in our water supply and dental hygiene products such as toothpaste.
An expert panel, commissioned by Health Canada to review the scientific studies available on fluoride and its possible effects on health, made a number of recommendations to Health Canada, including:
-to decrease slightly the amount of fluoride that can be added to municipal drinking water,
-to encourage the availability and use of low-fluoride toothpaste by children, and
-to suggest to makers of infant formula to reduce levels of fluoride in their products.”
Community water fluoridation has been identified by U.S. Centers for Disease Control as one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century. Canadian and international studies agree that water that was fluoridated at optimum levels does not cause adverse health effects. About 40 percent of Canadians receive fluoridated water.
Experts say there are several steps you can take to maintain your fluoride intake within the optimal range for attaining the dental benefits. Never give fluoridated mouthwash or mouth rinses to children under six years of age, as they may swallow it. Health Canada does not recommend the use of fluoride supplements (drops or tablets).
Make sure that your children use no more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on their toothbrush, and teach them not to swallow toothpaste. Children under six years of age should be supervised while brushing and children under the age of three should have their teeth brushed by an adult without using any toothpaste.
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Trust health Canada – they also like aspertame – another poison. Must be a reason. They like people with diabetes using it – personally I will NOT take fluoride under any circumstances.
But health Canada has your best interests at heart.