I hope you all had a very good Christmas and new year.
Now, whats your plan for 2006? Made any resolutions?
I dont have big plans for this year. I am going to apply the KISS (keep it simple stupid) principle. I will continue to focus on my mental and physical health. I will continue to follow the principles of ELMOSS about which I have written frequently. ELMOSS stands for exercise, laughter, meditation, organic healthy food, stress relief, and no smoking.
I do not smoke so I dont have to worry about that. I exercise three to four times a week on regular basis. I would like to do it five times a week if possible. As we all know stretching and exercise is very important for maintaining good physical health. But you have to know your limitations and check with your doctor before you embark on exercise you are not used to. Walking and swimming is simple, cheap and usually safe.
I am lucky to be surrounded by friends and family who make me laugh. I like funny movies and some comedy shows on television. I enjoy reading cartoons and comic strips.
I like to meditate. Couple of times a week I sit in meditation for 20 to 30 minutes. Most lunch hour I shut my eyes for few minutes and relax and sometimes I snore! That is my kind of meditation. Important thing is to sit in a quite place and shut your eyes for few minutes.
Eating healthy and sometimes organic food is not a big problem for me. I am lucky that my wife takes care of that. She buys fruits and vegetables in abundance and buys the leanest possible meat. We eat fair amount of chicken but not enough of fish. We do not eat pork or ham. Once a week or so I get on the scale and see if the scale is still lying!
Recently, stress has not a big factor in my life. I have made significant amount of changes in how I work. Now I am able to spend more time at home with my family and I have more time to look after my health. To achieve this kind of freedom, I had to make some sacrifices. But I have survived and life goes on.
Come to think of it, it is not very difficult to follow the principles of ELMOSS. You can do little at a time and build it up. It is difficult for smokers to give up their addiction. But if there is a will then it can be done. There is plenty of help available. If you are serious about quitting then you can do it. The desire to quit should come from within you.
Whatever you plan to do with your time and money in 2006, do it well. Work hard, enjoy, stay safe, stay healthy and be happy. Keep it simple.
Good luck and all the best for 2006.
Start reading the preview of my book A Doctor's Journey for free on Amazon. Available on Kindle for $2.99!