Meaning of Christmas and My Mother In-law

Christmas is here. Unfortunately, it is difficult to look back at 2001 and say anything nice.

Not long ago, we thought that the world was shrinking. “It’s a small world,” was one of the most commonly used phrases. I haven’t heard this sentence recently. Now even the U.S. feels distant! Travel across the border is not taken for granted.

Worldwide, there is news of death and destruction, of fear, terror and revenge.

Human differences have never been so much verbalised or written about. Are my fears different than yours? Is my God different than my neighbour’s? Are these differences important when millions of people are dying from illness, civil wars, starvation, terrorism and other wars? Is their God different than yours or mine?

Closer to home, many families lost their loved ones due to sickness or accident. Medical and nursing staff of Palliser Health Authority lost three of their finest: Dr. Ivan Witt, Dr. Keith Clugston and Nurse Wendy Smith. A big loss not only to their families but also to their colleagues and patients. What is more painful is that they were taken away from us so suddenly. What did their God have in mind?

Then there are people in hospitals or at home who are chronically ill and incapacitated. They are waiting to die because they are in pain. They are suffering. One such person is my 88-year-old mother-in-law who lives in Vancouver. For several weeks now she has been close to death. But continues to live. Her end is near. But we don’t know when. The family waits and flies in and out of Vancouver not knowing what to do.

If there was a case for euthanasia, then here is one. Her body is small and frail. All the body fat has disappeared. The joints are stiff and painful. The bedsores are hard to see. The muscles are wasting away. She is unable to eat or drink. She is literally starving to death.

Morphine helps relieve pain. Her dutiful son, who has looked after her for so many years, waits and watches in helpless despair. “What can I do to make it easy for my mother without prolonging her sufferings?” he keeps asking. The best thing is to keep her pain free and comfortable. But it is painful to watch. He wants to be at the bedside until the end.

I wonder what his God is thinking about?

But we know life isn’t fair. Whether it is your God or mine, He has His game plan. And there isn’t much we can do except learn to be descent human beings. Share and enjoy what we have with those who are struggling in life. I think the God of the Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and others teach the same thing – be nice and help others.

Time and again we have learnt that life is too short. But greed and exploitation continues. Yesterday’s friends are enemies today. And yesterday’s enemies are friends today. It is no secret that ruthless exploiters (I wonder if their God is different than yours or mine) take full advantage of the majority of the people who are honest, descent, and God-fearing individuals.

The message of Christmas transcends all religions and human beings. It is one religious festival that has no defined boundaries. So let me wish you all a very merry Christmas, Ho! Ho! Ho!

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This is the last column of the year. I am writing it on Christmas day. By the time you read this, the Christmas will be over. And like me, you will be sitting and wondering where did the year go.

It wasn’t too long ago that we were spending millions of dollars to prepare for the impending disaster in year 2000. We are grateful that no disasters wrecked our lives. Now December is here and almost gone. But the month of December is probably the most exciting month of the year.

Month of December is a month to take stock of our lives and our deeds

Month of December is a month to be generous. Generous to our family, our friends, our co-workers, and ourselves. Generous to people who are not known to us but are not as better off as we are.

Month of December is also a month of happiness and celebrations. Millions of people all over the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We also celebrate the end of the year and beginning of the New Year.

Month of December is also a month of physical stress. The weather – especially this year – has not helped. Some people have suffered broken bones due to slippery conditions. Some have been maimed or killed on the roads. Some have suffered ill health due to flu or pneumonia or other ailment.

Month of December is also a month of financial stress. Shopping for presents, travelling to meet family and friends, finding money to go on holidays. Cooking for friends and families. And thinking of January as a month to pay all the bills.

Month of December is also a month of “fighting the battle of the bulge” stress. The parties. All that food and alcohol. The guilt and anger that all that hard work to lose few pounds has gone down the drain.

Month of December is also a month of “time management” stress. At work, the month is pretty short. You have to finish a month’s work in two to three weeks. Then there are people who want things done before the holiday starts. Parents have to find time to attend children’s year-end activities – besides attending all those parties. It is a stressful time!

As a non-Christian, I do not have all the stresses mentioned here. But it is hard to escape the spirit and celebration of Christmas. We take part in many of the activities taking place around us. You don’t have to be a Christian to enjoy good parties and good food! Or take time off and have a good holiday with our family

This Christmas day, I am spending a day in Calgary in a hotel room with my family and writing this column. We are going to visit my mother and take her to my sister’s house for a Christmas dinner (turkey and all that!).

In couple of days, we will back in Medicine Hat. Then I will start thinking about the New Year and the New Year’s resolutions. The rat race will begin. Hopefully, I will be fresh again to fight the same old battles with renewed energy and enthusiasm although my body and mind will be one year older. And that sucks!

Start reading the preview of my book A Doctor's Journey for free on Amazon. Available on Kindle for $2.99!